Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School

Holy Cross Students’ Transit Ride to Public Library

The Gr. 2 students in the Regular English program at Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School recently participated in a program arranged between the Sudbury Public Library and the Greater Sudbury Transit. A class bus pass granted them the opportunity to ride the Sudbury Transit in order to spend the morning at the South End Public Library. For many of the students, this was their first time using the public transit and it proved to be an exciting adventure. The school program consisted of a tour of the new South End Library, a demonstration of how to locate and access books on the computer, story time and a craft. By the end of the session, students were able to leave with their personal library card, a good book to read and a reason to return with their family or classmates.

Water Walk at Holy Cross

On Friday, November 2, Holy Cross teacher Shanna Whalen’s Grade 3/4 class and teacher Eva Scola’s Grade 3 class, set off to obtain some understanding of how difficult it is for those living in Africa. They took with them their water bottles, one huge jug, and a jerry can, to collect water from the water filling station on Countryside. Both classes have been learning about the poor water conditions in Africa, and how children there need to walk for 2 hours and 10 000 steps to get water- dirty water. Upon arriving at our destination, Ms. Scola lead the students in a water prayer, a prayer for those who do not have the wonderful, clean water that we do, and usually take for granted. On the way back to the school, the students took turns carrying the heavy containers of water. The two classes have been introduced to Ryan’s Well, and have been given the task of educating the whole school about the water conditions in Africa and how we can make a difference. They want to make others realize that they can be kids and think about Africa too.

Holy Cross Celebrates Official Grand Opening

On Thursday, November 1, 2012, students, parents, staff, and community partners gathered at 2997 Algonquin Road for a joyous celebration. Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School held its official grand opening and all in attendance were thrilled with the morning’s events. Bishop Plouffe began the ceremony with an opening prayer, and several invited guests spoke to the wonderful celebration and school opening including M.P.P. Rick Bartolucci and Mayor Matichuk. The entire group was welcomed by the school principal Louise Franklin as well as Director of Education Catherine McCullough. As part of the celebration, the school choir performed and a slideshow was shown highlighting the building and students now occupying the school. After the official ribbon cutting, the guests were invited to a reception and tour of the school facility.
Barry MacDonald, Chair of the Board was on hand during the celebration and was delighted with the morning celebration. “This is truly an occasion of great significance as its completion has occurred through the hard work of many dedicated individuals and strong community partners. This outstanding school was created with the communities of Corpus Christi, St. Theresa and St. Christopher coming together as one, and building on positive relationships,” MacDonald stated. “This new school’s commitment to excellence embodies the true spirit of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board positively supporting our students, and providing an outstanding and exceptional learning environment. On behalf of the Sudbury Catholic Board of Trustees, I congratulate all involved in this project, and look forward to the years to come watching the future growth of the school, and its students.”

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