Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School

Bringing in Small Change to Make BIG Change

Since October, the Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School grade 3 students from teacher Eva Scola’s class, and the grade 3/4 students from teacher Shanna Whalen’s class have been learning about the water crisis in Ghana, Africa. The students were involved in the 2012/2013 School Challenge through the Ryan’s Well Foundation, that involved raising awareness, and money, to build a well and laterines in Ghana. The students came together to engage in discussions, and to create a plan that would make others in the school aware of Ryan’s Well, and the lack of clean water in Africa. These students had a goal to raise $750. Through pledges from families, the collection of coins in our class piggy banks, and a truly amazing participation in our Wacky Hair for Water Day- Bringing in small change to make BIG Change in Africa-, the students of Holy Cross were able to more than double their goal. They raised $1689! “We are extremely proud of our students,” said Shanna. Whalen. “They demonstrated a genuine concern for people they don’t even know. They were able to get their message across to their peers, through their great Christian leadership. They wanted to make a difference, and they definitely did.”

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