Students from the grade 4/5 class at Holy Cross along with the the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) class at St.Benedict’s got together recently and did some planting. Together they sowed some seeds and established some friendships in the process!
Second Annual Cubs and Bears Junior Co-ed Soccer Tournament Results
On June 15, 2014, Holy Cross Catholic Elementary and St. Benedict Catholic Secondary Schools hosted the second annual Cubs and Bears Junior Co-ed soccer tournament. Participating were 15 teams from 3 different schools boards – the English and French Catholic boards as well as the French Public.
The top 4 teams are as follows: 1st place Jean-Paul 2 2nd place Holy Cross 6
3rd plac St. John 4th place Holy Cross 5
Congratulations to all the teams, students and coaches for a job well done!
Thank you to all the volunteers and staff that co-ordinated the tournament, and helped to make it such a success!