Mrs. Lucciantonio’s Grade 4/5 class went on a virtual field trip to South Africa on September 23, to meet Steve and Nona. These penguins were a pleasure to meet. The students were able to ask questions to the scientist, as the presentation was live through Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants.
Cubs participate in annual water festival
On Wednesday, September 21st, the Grade 3 and 4 students at Holy Cross school, had the opportunity to participate in the 12th Annual Children’s Water Festival at Anderson Farm in Lively. The students had a great time learning all about water through a variety of hands-on activities and demonstrations, such as, working together to complete a wetland puzzle, and reviewing boat safety while sitting in an OPP boat.
Cubs take the lead on a patterning adventure
Mme Blais-Callaway’s Grade 4/5 FI class leaped into patterning this week, hosting the board’s new Intensive Support Facilitators and Superintendent Nicole Bédard in their class for a hands-on math lesson. Using tiles and pattern blocks, they showed their guests how they used tools to help them to visualize how their patterns grew, extending patterns, and creating new ones of their own. The facilitators would like to thank the Holy Cross school community, especially Grade 4/5 FI, for the invitation and wonderful learning opportunity. We appreciate your leadership, Cubs!