Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School

Holy Cross School Complete Virtual Field Trips

Green screen

Virtual field trips are a form of experiential learning.  With the internet and technology, the barriers of time, cost and location have been removed making a wide variety of learning activities and experiences possible to students. Virtual field trips allow learners to engage with and to learn about authentic artifacts and to explore places important to their curriculum.

For instance, Ms. Reale’s science class at Holy Cross School is learning about the characteristics of living things and the growth and changes in animals.  What better way to learn and engage students then a trip to the zoo? Dr. Zoolittle and Roberta the Zebra, shared interesting facts about some animal architects such as the black-headed weaver bird, the burrowing owl, the dung beetle, the meerkat and the beaver.  Students traveled safely to the San Diego Zoo and even had time to meet and pet both Shiloh and Justeen, the zoo’s friendly beavers.  Students also learned about leaf art and how to make no bake beaver dams for dessert!

If you would like assistance or more information about bringing virtual field trips to your class, contact Christina Raso, Experiential Learning consultant at:  christina.raso@sudburycatholicschools.ca.

We Welcome Submissions to Our Annual Christmas Card Artwork Contest

Nativity Scene

As the weather gets cooler we turn our attention to the Advent season. We are looking for submissions for our annual Christmas card artwork contest. All students Kindergarten to Grade 12 are eligible to participate! Artwork should encompass our Catholic faith and help us to share in the joy of Christmas.

Artwork can be landscape or portrait and can be created in any medium (such as a drawing, painting etc). Submissions can be addressed and sent to the Board office at:

Attention: Christmas Card Contest
165A D’Youville street
Sudbury, Ontario
P3C 5E7

OR e-mailed to info@sudburycatholicschools.ca in a JPG/PNG or PDF format.

All submissions (whether in hard copy or e-mailed) should have the following information included in addition to the artwork:

  • Student first and last name
  • Grade
  • School

Artwork must be submitted by November 20, 2020 at 4 p.m. to be considered for the contest. The Board will choose one elementary design and one secondary design to be featured on our annual Christmas cards which are mailed to our Board Trustees, school administration and community partners. The winning entries will also receive a package of Christmas cards featuring their artwork!

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