Bully Awareness and Prevention Week at Holy Cross School đźš«

Holy Cross School recently wrapped up a successful Bully Awareness and Prevention Week, filled with activities focused on kindness, friendship, and anti-bullying strategies.
Grade 3 French Immersion students took part in a creative and meaningful project by decorating and wearing anti-bullying bracelets. Earlier in the week, they also coloured French posters promoting the message “sois gentils” (be kind), which were proudly displayed around the school as a visual reminder to spread kindness.
In Ms. Theissen and Ms. Harrison’s class, students learned valuable lessons about kindness and how to respond to bullying. They discussed strategies for stopping bullying when they witness it and how to be supportive friends. The students then wrote about the key lessons they had learned, reflecting on the importance of standing up for others and creating a caring environment.
Meanwhile, Ms. Dopson’s Grade 1/2 class read the book La reine de la récré (The Recess Bully), which sparked important conversations about dealing with bullying. The class collaborated to create a poster, seen in the photo, with the powerful message: “Carry each other.” This poster serves as a reminder for everyone at Holy Cross to be kind and supportive, just like the students in Ms. Dopson’s class.
Bully Awareness and Prevention Week was a wonderful success at Holy Cross School, with students engaging in activities that promoted kindness, empathy, and respect. Let’s continue to carry these messages of kindness throughout the year and always support one another.