Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School

Breaking Ground for Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School

Despite the cool weather, the rain held off as many gathered to take part in the historic groundbreaking ceremony for Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School. Under brilliant sunshine, staff from the Sudbury Catholic District School Board congregated alongside students, Principals and Parent Council Chairs from Corpus Christi, St. Theresa and St. Christopher to celebrate the first steps towards the creation of Holy Cross. Invited dignitaries included M.P.P. Rick Bartolucci and Mayor Rodriguez of which both had the opportunity to address the crowd about the importance of this mementous event. In his speech, Bartolucci spoke to the students specifically about the fact that this was all about them as they are “the future of Sudbury, the future of Ontario and will be the future leaders of our great country.” Bartolucci also focused on the Catholic Board’s logo of “Schools to Believe In” as he told the group that by having the vision to build Holy Cross, the board is doing just that – truly building a school to believe in.

Mayor Rodriguez asked the students to begin to transfer all of their commitment and enthusiasm from their current school to the new Holy Cross. He explained that they will be “embarking on a whole new set of experiences as they will be the very first students at a brand new school.”

Board Chair Jody Cameron concluded the address as he spoke of the school bringing a “renewed sense of community for the south end students, parents and community partners.” As well, he focused on the importance of remembering that it is the “collective heart and soul of the students that will carry it forward, and make Holy Cross a green school that will service the south end community for decades to come and serve as a beacon of education.”

The event finished with the official sod-turning with several people taking part including Mayor Rodriguez, M.P.P. Bartolucci, Catherine McCullough, Director of Education, Paula Peroni, Trustee, Jody Cameron, Board Chair, Louis Belanger, Architect, and Laura Kuzenko, Holy Cross Principal.

Sudbury Catholic Board Decides to Build Holy Cross Catholic School, JK to Grade 6

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board unanimously voted to make its newest high-tech green school a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 elementary school. The Board’s Trustees made the decision at the December 15, 2009 Board meeting.

The trustees decided the new Holy Cross Catholic School in Sudbury’s south end would be a separate Dual Track JK to Grade 6 School, located near St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School. The new school will also include an early-learning daycare facility and a 4,000 square foot gymnasium.

“Holy Cross is going to be a fantastic new school,” says Board Chair Jody Cameron, “It will be high-tech, offering the latest in educational technology – while being an intimate, safe and personable environment for children ranging from our new full-day junior kindergarten program to Grade 6. It’s an exciting time.”

Meantime, the Catholic Board also decided it will offer Grade 7 to 12 programming next door at the existing St. Benedict’s Catholic Secondary School. This will include the construction of new classrooms and a third gymnasium. The renovations will also include a new “cafetorium” (which is a combination of a cafeteria and auditorium) to serve both the elementary and secondary students. It could seat as many as 500 people for concerts, plays, presentations, guest speakers, and other special events.

“These two projects are exciting for students, parents, and teachers in our Catholic schools,” says Board Director, Catherine McCullough, “It’s a great decision which will continue to enhance our community partnerships. These students who already benefit from programs like our nationally-recognized laptop learning program will now have even more educational tools at their fingertips to help them have a balanced educational experience and go on to succeed in life.”

The Board Trustees made the decision after extensive consultation with the school communities impacted. The new Holy Cross Catholic School will open in September 2011. The new and improved St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School will also be ready for the fall of 2011. Both projects combined are projected to cost $16.2-million with $11.7-million coming from the provincial government – while the Board has agreed to contribute $4.5-million.

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