Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School

Indigenous Celebration Held

The Diocesan Centre is planning an inclusive day of celebration based on indigenous culture, and would love a big turn out at this event. All students, staff, families and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend! It looks to be a great day planned!

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Fielding Park

5:30 am. Sunrise Ceremony ~

8:00 am. Pancake Breakfast ~

9:00 am. Teaching Carousel – Stations will be set up to be rotated through – 6 stations with 20 minute presentations at each~

a) Children drumming station~

b) Craft – decade of the rosary with four/six colour beads + leather OR~leather bookmark

c) 7 Grandfather teachings

d) Legends – Elders telling the stories~

e) Medicines and Wheel

f) Sacred Elements (fire keeper, tobacco, stones, feather, pipe, drums, smudge, animals) ~

11:00 am. Healing Circle – prayers, scripture (trilingual), blessing~

1:30 pm. Feast – “pot luck”

3:00 pm Travelling Song/Blessing~

For more information and access to resources, please consult:


Holy Cross Cubs Run for the Cure

This year was another great year for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure and none of it would have been possible without all of the teams who ran. 127,000 participants and volunteers came together on Run day and through the support of generous donors raised over $25 million for innovative breast cancer research, health education, and advocacy initiatives throughout Canada.

The Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School community put a team in again this year, and they collected $2374.00 towards this very worthy cause. Only a few of the members of the Holy Cross Cubs who came out for the run are pictured here. It was a great turn out for such a dreary day. Congratulations on helping to make a difference. Go Cubs Go!

Holy Cross Students Connecting with Ryan Hreljac

On Tuesday, November 19th, the students in teacher Shanna Whalen’s Grade 2/3 class, Eva Scola’s class at Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School, engaged in a Skype session with Ryan Hreljac, the founder of Ryan’s Well. The students are part of the School Challenge that is organized by the foundation. Their goal is to raise money to help build a well, as well as latrines, for Haiti. After watching the Ryan’s Well documentary, and learning about Ryan’s amazing dedication toward bringing clean water to Africa, the students were very excited to have the chance to talk to Ryan through Skype. They had the opportunity to ask Ryan whatever questions they wanted during the half hour session. One student, Mia Maurice, asked if she could ask Santa for money for the well. It was clear by his expression and response, that he was touched by this selfless act. Ryan was very supportive of the students, and encouraged them to choose a cause that they are passionate about, and try to make a difference. He does not consider himself to be a hero, but we do, and we are looking forward help create justice as well.

A photo taken of Ryan shortly after our Skype session.

A ‘Different” Movember at Holy Cross

During the month of November, several of Holy Cross teacher Tania Fay’s grade 2 students asked why they were seeing so many men with moustaches, and what the term Movember meant. Fay thought this would be a great learning opportunity for her students to discuss the importance of community initiatives. As the school often has different fundraisers throughout the year, several for cancer organizations, the class talked about how important it is to makes those in their own community happy by always trying to be supportive however they can. This discussion led to their own Movember initiative. Fay asked students in the grade three class to help the grade two students write stories about how they all suddenly grew moustaches. On Thursday, November 28, the two classes got together and shared their stories with each other – all while touting their own Movember ‘staches. “It was a great teaching opportunity that I couldn’t pass up,” explained Fay. “Our students are so observant of the world around them – and when they began noticing many moustaches sprouting on their dads’ faces, we were able to turn that into a fun discussion, a peer-to peer learning moment and a great way to show them the important of giving back and supporting one’s own community!”

Postcards for Peace

The Grade 2 students at Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School sent their Postcards for Peace to veterans to thank them for having served in the past wars. The students recognized that many of Canada’s service men and women continue today, to leave their families and friends, in order to bring peace to many countries around the world. The children discussed how they are all peacekeepers here in Canada. They learned that they can all help with “peacekeeping missions” by respecting and helping each other in the school playgrounds, at home, and in their neighbourhoods. One of the biggest lessons learned is that It’s so important to learn from the past.

A Beary Scary Halloween

On October 31’st 2013, students from St Benedict Catholic Secondary School visited Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School. Student Council president Brendan Sullivan, vice president and student trustee Mackenzie Connelly, and beloved mascot, Benny the Bear represented St Benedict as they read to grade 1 and 2 students in both English and french. “We thought this would be a great opportunity to bond with the students who share our campus and spread some Halloween cheer,” said Connelly.

After reading the books, Benny and the students donated them to Holy Cross and gave out Halloween stickers and high fives from Benny. “This experience has been very rewarding for us. We were able to practice our bilingualism and meet the students who will become future Bears,” stated Sullivan. “I look forward to continuing to connect our two school communities.”

Praying for Animals at Holy Cross

On Wednesday, October 2nd, the Holy Cross School community gathered to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi in a liturgy with Father Jim Hutton. Students were asked to bring along a favourite stuffed animal, as a symbol of the animals of the world. St. Francis loved animals, calling them his brothers and sisters. During the liturgy, students held their animals up for a special blessing and prayer for all of the animals of the world.

Holy Cross Free the Children Club “We Are Silent” Campaign

Members of the Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School Free the Children Club joined thousands of students around the world in the ‘We Are Silent” Campaign on April 18th.  Students took a “vow of silence” in order to experience what it is like for poverty stricken children to not have the right to speak out about their basic needs, including an education. The “Day of Silence” brought awareness to Free the Children Club members and the Holy Cross School Community.    


Bringing in Small Change to Make BIG Change

Since October, the Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School grade 3 students from teacher Eva Scola’s class, and the grade 3/4 students from teacher Shanna Whalen’s class have been learning about the water crisis in Ghana, Africa. The students were involved in the 2012/2013 School Challenge through the Ryan’s Well Foundation, that involved raising awareness, and money, to build a well and laterines in Ghana. The students came together to engage in discussions, and to create a plan that would make others in the school aware of Ryan’s Well, and the lack of clean water in Africa. These students had a goal to raise $750. Through pledges from families, the collection of coins in our class piggy banks, and a truly amazing participation in our Wacky Hair for Water Day- Bringing in small change to make BIG Change in Africa-, the students of Holy Cross were able to more than double their goal. They raised $1689! “We are extremely proud of our students,” said Shanna. Whalen. “They demonstrated a genuine concern for people they don’t even know. They were able to get their message across to their peers, through their great Christian leadership. They wanted to make a difference, and they definitely did.”

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